Henry Pancher (1910 - 1994) was a modern American Folk Art painter. While living in Carmel, California, he was showing art at the Bill W Dodge Art Gallery.
At the time, Bill was seeing Joan Fontaine, so Henry gifted one of his paintings to the couple. The note from Pancher is attached on the back along with the title, 'Italian Countryside'. Later, after Henry's passing, Bill added the obituary. These attachments establish provenance.

Bill W Dodge had a 2nd painting by H Pancher. There weren't any notes on the back of this piece of a family having their portrait taken.

Both paintings are 12" x 16". A frame is included. The frames have some wear and tear markings as expected for pieces of this age. The frames are not factored into the value of the painting.
Each painting sold for $700 to separate collectors. This was the asking price from the owner and not an official appraisal of the current value of the paintings.